
MiTek-Wrightsoft is a company that provides HVAC design and sales software, as well as other related services. In 2016, Wrightsoft was acquired by MiTek, a large construction software company. After the acquisition, the company was officially renamed MiTek-Wrightsoft. MiTek-Wrightsoft is now a subsidiary of MiTek Industries, which is one of the suppliers of engineered building components and software to the construction industry. MiTek Industries is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, and has operations in more than 30 countries.

MiTek-Wrightsoft Usage Guide, Contact Details & Customer Reviews

Here, we’ll share the contact details of MiTek-Wrightsoft, explain how to use their HVAC software, and provide the customer ratings for MiTek-Wrightsoft according to reviews.

What are the contact details of MiTek-Wrightsoft?

Here’s the contact details about MiTek-Wrightsoft:

Wrightsoft Address131 Hartwell Avenue Lexington,
MA 02421
Wrightsoft Phone Number
(Technical Support & Sales)
(800) 225-8697
Wrightsoft Official
Wrightsoft Email,
Wrightsoft Customer Service FormVisit here
Wrightsoft Service HoursMonday – Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm
EST (excluding holidays)
Wrightsoft Social MediaFacebookLinkedIn , Twitter
MiTek-Wrightsoft contact details

How to use MiTek-Wrightsoft’s HVAC software?

Here are some specific steps to use MiTek-Wrightsoft:

  • Download and install the software: You can download a free trial version of Wrightsoft from their website.
  • Complete the introductory training: Start by watching the “Getting Started with Right-Suite® Universal” videos available on Wrightsoft University.
  • Review the quick guides: Familiarize yourself with the software’s basic features and workflows using the quick guides available on the website.
  • Start with simple projects: Begin by designing and specifying simple HVAC systems to gain practical experience.
  • Utilize the online resources: Refer to the knowledge base, tutorials, and forums for answers to specific questions and troubleshooting assistance.
  • Attend training sessions: Consider attending live webinars or enrolling in Right-University for more in-depth training and certification.

What are the ratings of MiTek-Wrightsoft according to customer reviews?

Based on customer reviews, MiTek-Wrightsoft has a rating of 3.6 out of 5 stars based on customer reviews. This rating is based on a variety of factors, including the software’s ease of use, features, and customer support.

Pros as per positive reviews

  • Comprehensive features.
  • Integration with other software.
  • Accuracy and reliability.
  • Extensive resources.

Cons observed as per negative reviews

  • Limited flexibility.
  • Software updates.
  • Limited cloud-based options
  • Learning curve -difficult to learn and use.


MiTek-Wrightsoft is a powerful and comprehensive software program that can be a valuable tool for HVAC contractors, engineers, and other professionals. However, it is important to be aware of the software’s learning curve and cost before making a decision about whether or not it is right for you.

Who Are We?

ContactForSupport is an online phone directory that covers a wide array of categories including HVAC. We offer efficient resources and their contact information with our 24/7 support. You can call us anytime, any day to get your concerns resolved.

What is Wrightsoft used for?

Wrightsoft is a comprehensive HVAC software for residential and commercial needs, covering loads, design, sales, and proposals in one program.

What’s Wrightsoft’s office address?

Wrightsoft is located at 131 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, MA 02421. It’s the hub for their operations and services.

How do I contact MiTek-Wrightsoft?

For technical support or sales, dial (800) 225-8697. Access their website. Contact support at or sales at for assistance.

Does Wrightsoft work on Mac?

Wrightsoft products, except for cloud-based mobile solutions, exclusively operate on Windows systems, not supporting Mac platforms.

What are the service hours for Wrightsoft?

Support operates Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm EST, excluding holidays, providing assistance for Wrightsoft’s services and solutions.

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