Bostitch is a well-known brand that manufactures fastening tools and fasteners. They offer a wide range of fastening tools, including staplers, nailers, and tackers. Their tools are designed to be easy to use and provide consistent results, even for novice users. Their fasteners are made from high-quality materials and are designed to work with Bostitch tools to create strong, secure joints.

BOSTITCH Staplers, Reviews, Nailers, Contact Details & Loading Tips

Here we’ll be in-depth exploration of Bostitch, a leading manufacturer of fastening tools and fasteners. From contact details to customer reviews, we’ll unveil the intricacies of Bostitch, delving into their extensive product catalog, types of nailers, staplers, air compressors, and brads. Additionally, gain insights into approximate pricing, stapler loading instructions, and customer feedback, ensuring an informed decision when choosing Bostitch products.

What are the contact details of Bostitch Customer Support?

For Bostitch customer support, you can:

Bostitch Office AddressBostitch Office, 50 Romano Vineyard Way, North Kingstown, RI 02852
Bostitch Phone Number+1 800-233-8990,  +1 800-343-9329
Bostitch Customer Service Hours8:00AM – 5:00PM EST
Bostitch Customer Service,
Submit a request to get a quoteVisit here
Bostitch Fax401-884-3760
Bostitch Mailing AddressBostitch Office, 50 Romano Vineyard Way, North Kingstown, RI 02852
Bostitch Social Media PlatformsTwitter , FacebookYouTube
Bostitch contact details

Bostitch customer support is available by phone, email, web chat, and social media.

What kinds of fasteners and fastening tools are listed in the Bostitch catalog?

Bostitch offers an extensive selection of fastening tools and fasteners that are carefully crafted to meet a multitude of requirements. Among their product categories are:

  • Bostitch Staplers: Bostitch offers a wide range of staplers, ranging from compact and lightweight models for everyday tasks to heavy-duty staplers for demanding projects. Their staplers feature innovative designs, ergonomic grips, and jam-resistant mechanisms to ensure effortless operation and consistent performance.
  • Bostitch Nailers: Nailers made by Bostitch are known for their precision and versatility, catering to a wide spectrum of nailing applications. They offer pneumatic, electric, and cordless builds, each engineered to meet particular requirements. Whether you’re framing a house, installing trim, or crafting furniture, Bostitch has the nailer to suit your project.
  • Bostitch Tackers: For delicate fastening tasks, Bostitch’s tackers are the ideal solution. These lightweight and easy-to-use tools are perfect for attaching upholstery, thin materials, or decorative elements. Bostitch tackers feature adjustable depth control and consistent performance to ensure precise fastening.
  • Bostitch Hammers and Mallets: Bostitch offers a variety of hammers and mallets, each designed for specific applications. Their hammers feature durable construction and balanced designs for optimal striking force and control, while their mallets are crafted from non-marring materials to protect delicate surfaces.
  • Bostitch Brads, Nails, and Staples: In addition to their assortment of attaching tools, Bostitch offers a wide variety of staples, nails, and brads. Strong, secure joins are ensured by their fasteners, which are made from premium materials and are engineered to work smoothly with Bostitch equipment.
  • Bostitch Air Compressors: Bostitch provides a selection of air compressors that are portable and have steady power for pneumatic tools. For easier operation and maintenance, their compressors come with features like pressure gauges, easy-drain tanks, and automated shut-off.
  • Bostitch Tool Accessories and Storage: Bostitch provides a variety of tool accessories, including staple removers, nail sets, and tool organizers, to enhance your fastening experience. They offer a range of tool storage solutions, such as tool belts, pouches, and toolboxes, to keep tools organized and accessible.

What types of nailers does Bostitch offer?

Bostitch offers a variety of nailers for various uses, including:

  • Brad nailers: For finishing work, such as nailing trim, moldings, and small pieces of wood.
  • Nail guns: For framing and construction projects, shooting nails up to 3-1/2 inches long.
  • Framing nailers: High-powered nailers for framing houses, shooting nails up to 16 inches long.
  • Roofing nailers: Specialized nailers for roofing applications, shooting nails up to 1-1/2 inches long.

Popular products include:

  • Bostitch BT1855K 18-Gauge Brad Nailer: Oil-free operation, selectable trigger system, low nail lockout, and ultra-quiet rear exhaust.
  • Bostitch RN46 1-1/2-inch Roofing Nailer: Lightweight and compact design for easy maneuverability.
  • Bostitch F28WW Framing Nailer: Magazine capacity of 225 nails.
  • Bostitch SB-1664FN 16-Gauge Straight Finish Nailer: Lightweight aluminum design for added durability.
  • Bostitch BTFP12233 Nail Gun Kit: Includes a 2.5-gallon pancake compressor, 16-gauge finish nailer, 16-gauge brad nailer, and 3/8-inch crown stapler.

What types of air compressors does Bostitch offer?

Bostitch offers a variety of air compressors to suit different needs and budgets. Some of their most popular types include:

  • Pancake air compressors: Lightweight and portable for home use.
  • Oil-lubricated air compressors: More powerful for heavier-duty applications.
  • Vertical air compressors: Ideal for garages and workshops as they save space.

Popular products include:
Bostitch BTFP3KIT 3-Tool Compressor Combo Kit: Includes a 6-gallon pancake compressor, 18-gauge brad nailer, 16-gauge straight finish nailer, and 3/8-inch crown stapler.

What types of staplers does Bostitch offer?

Bostitch offers a variety of staplers for both home and office use, including:

  • Constrstaplers: For fine woodworking and furniture making, driving staples with minimal surface markings.
  • Flooring staplers: For installing hardwood flooring and other types of flooring.
  • Roofing staplers: For securing roofing materials, such as shingles and underlayment.
  • Roofing staplers: For securing roofing materials, such as shingles and underlayment.
  • Specialty staplers: For specific applications, such as upholstery and carton sealing.

Popular products include:

Bostitch BTFP71875 Heavy-Duty 3/8-inch Crown Stapler: Drives 3/8-inch crown staples from 1/4-inch to 9/16-inch and 18-gauge brad nails from 1/2-inch to 5/8-inch.

What types of brads does Bostitch offer?

  • 18-gauge brads: For fine woodworking and delicate materials.
  • 21-gauge brads: For general woodworking and trim work.
  • 23-gauge brads: For lightweight applications and delicate materials.

Popular products include:

  • Bostitch 1850BN 18-Gauge Brad Nails: Lengths from 5/8-inch to 2-inch.
  • Bostitch 235-Piece Master Set: Includes a variety of tools and fasteners for various applications

What is the approximate price of Bostitch fastening tools and fasteners?

Bostitch offers a wide range of fastening tools and fasteners at affordable prices.

Product CategoryProduct NameApproximate Price
StaplersBostitch B40 Manual Stapler$10
Bostitch Office Stapler$15
Bostitch Impulse Electric Stapler$25
Staple GunsBostitch B10 Staple Gun$15
Bostitch T3 Staple Gun$20
Bostitch T5 Staple Gun$25
NailersBostitch Finish Nailer$100
Bostitch Framing Nailer$200
Bostitch Roofing Nailer$150
RivetersBostitch Manual Riveter$20
Bostitch Pneumatic Riveter$50
Glue GunsBostitch Hot Melt Glue Gun$10
Bostitch Cold Glue Gun$20
Bostitch prices

Please note that the prices listed above are approximate. For the most accurate pricing information, please visit the official Bostitch website.

How to load a Bostitch Stapler?

Loading a Bostitch stapler is a simple process. Follow these steps:

  • Open the stapler magazine.
  • Place the staples in the magazine, ensuring they are aligned correctly.
  • Close the stapler magazine.
  • The stapler is now ready for use.

What are Bostitch reviews & ratings according to customers?

Bostitch products received a near-perfect rating of 4.7 out of 5, which states it’s a trusted brand that offers high-quality fastening tools and fasteners & their products are sure to get the job done right.

Pros as per positive reviews

  • Durable and Reliable
  • Strong and Versatile
  • Affordable

Cons observed as per negative reviews

  • Not every tool is as correctly designed as others.
  • Customer service can be hit-or-miss
  • Not all tools are made in the USA


Bostitch is a well-respected brand that has been manufacturing high-quality fastening tools and fasteners for over a century. Their products are known for their durability, power, and versatility, and they are used by professionals and DIYers around the world. While there are a few minor drawbacks to Bostitch products, such as not every tool is as correctly designed properly concerns and inconsistent customer service, the overall quality and affordability of their products make them a great choice for a variety of applications. If you are looking for a reliable and affordable brand of fastening tools, Bostitch is a great option to consider.

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Is Stanley and BOSTITCH the same company?

Yes, Stanley Works from New Britain, Connecticut, acquired Bostitch from Textron. This makes them part of the same company.

What is the history of the BOSTITCH company?

Established in 1896, Thomas Briggs initiated the Boston Wire Stitch Company, crafting treadle-operated machines for book, calendar, and box fastening.

Where is the Bostitch office located?

Bostitch Office Address: 50 Romano Vineyard Way, North Kingstown, RI 02852

What are the Bostitch customer service hours?

Customer Service Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST

Where can I find Bostitch’s mailing address?

Bostitch Mailing Address: 50 Romano Vineyard Way, North Kingstown, RI 02852

How to Load Bostitch Electric Stapler?

To load a Bostitch electric stapler: Unplug, open magazine with the button, insert staples facing right, close, then plug in for use.

How to use a Bostitch Air Compressor?

Using a Bostitch Air Compressor involves connecting an air tool securely, powering on to fill the tank, setting tool pressure via the regulator, and operating the tool according to its manual. After use, turn off the compressor and release tank pressure.

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