AllStyle Coil

AllStyle Coil company is a trusted name in the HVAC industry. They have been in business for over 30 years (since may of 1990) and have a reputation for providing products and excellent customer service. AllStyle Coil offers HVAC coils for residential and commercial applications.

AllStyle Coil Warranty Lookup, Products offerings, Price, Customer Reviews & Contact Details

Here, we’ll provide AllStyle Coil’s contact details, product catalog specifics, average pricing, warranty lookup essentials, customer reviews, and comprehensive insights about the company.

What are the contact details of AllStyle Coil?

AllStyle Coil has a team of experienced engineers and technicians who can help you in certain matters. Here’s a table summarizing the contact details of AllStyle Coil.

AllStyle Coil AddressP.O. Box 40696 Houston, TX 77240
AllStyle Coil Phone Number(713) 466-6333
AllStyle Coil
AllStyle Coil Email
AllStyle Coil Customer Service FormVisit here
AllStyle Coil Service HoursMonday – Friday 7:30 AM–4:30 PM
AllStyle Coil Catalog PDFVisit here
AllStyle Coil Social MediaFacebookLinkedIn
AllStyle Coil Contact Details

What types of products does AllStyle Coil sell?

AllStyle Coil sells a wide range of products for residential, commercial, and mobile home applications. Their product offerings include:


  • AllStyle Coil Air Handlers: AllStyle Coil offers a variety of air handlers to meet consumer’s specific needs. Their air handlers are designed for efficiency and durability, and they come in a variety of sizes and configurations.
  • AllStyle Evaporator Coils: AllStyle Coil’s evaporator coils are made from good quality materials and are designed to provide optimal cooling performance. They offer a variety of coils to fit different applications, including residential, commercial, and mobile homes.
  • AllStyle Condenser Coils: AllStyle Coil’s condenser coils are designed to reject heat efficiently and effectively. They offer a variety of coils to fit different applications, including residential, commercial, and mobile homes.
  • AllStyle Multi-Family Coils: AllStyle Coil offers a variety of multi-family coils to meet the specific needs of multi-family housing applications. Their coils are designed for efficiency, durability, and ease of installation.


AllStyle Coil also offers a variety of products for commercial applications, including:

  • AllStyle  Commercial Coils: AllStyle Coil offers a wide range of commercial coils to meet the needs of a variety of applications. Their coils are designed for efficiency, durability, and reliability.
  • AllStyle  Gas Furnaces: AllStyle Coil’s gas furnaces are designed to provide efficient and reliable heating for commercial applications. They offer a variety of furnaces to fit different applications and sizes.

Mobile Home

AllStyle Coil offers a variety of products for mobile home applications, including:

  • AllStyle Mobile Home Coils: AllStyle Coil’s mobile home coils are designed to meet the specific needs of mobile home applications. Their coils are designed for efficiency, durability, and ease of installation.
  • AllStyle Gas Furnaces: AllStyle Coil’s gas furnaces for mobile homes are designed to provide efficient and reliable heating for mobile homes. They offer a variety of furnaces to fit different applications and sizes.

What are the average prices of AllStyle Coil products?

Product CategoryProduct NameAverage Price
ResidentialMulti-Position Air Handlers$300 – $400
ResidentialMulti-Position Modular Air Handler$300 – $400
ResidentialHorizontal Plenum Coils$100 – $200
ResidentialHorizontal Slab Coils$100 – $200
ResidentialStyleQuest Multi – Position Coils$100 – $200
ResidentialUn-Cased Vertical Coils$100 – $200
ResidentialUp-Flow Cased Coils$150 – $250
ResidentialCeiling Mounted Air Handlers$300 – $400
ResidentialDouble Blower Ceiling Mounted Air Handlers$300 – $400
ResidentialWall Mounted Air Handlers$300 – $400
Mobile HomeMobile Home Modular Air Handlers$150 – $200
Mobile HomeUn-Cased Mobile Home Coils$150 – $200
CommercialCommercial Horizontal Slab CoilN/A
CommercialVertical Up-Flow Commercial CoilN/A
AllStyle Coil average price

Please note that these are just average prices list, and the actual price of a product may vary depending on the specific model and features.

What details are needed for the AllStyle Coil warranty lookup?

To check your AllStyle warranty status, you can follow these steps:

  1. Gather your AllStyle product information:
  • Model number: This is typically a nine-character code that can be found on a sticker or label attached to the product.
  • Serial number: This is also a nine-character code that can be found near the model number.
  • Date of purchase: You can find this on your purchase receipt or invoice.
  1. Visit the AllStyle Coil warranty lookup website: Visit here.
  2. Enter your product information:
  • Model number: Type in the nine-character model number.
  • Serial number: Type in the nine-character serial number.
  • Date of purchase: Select the year, month, and day of your purchase.
  1. Click the “Check Warranty” button.

The website will display your warranty status, including the type of warranty, the start and end dates of coverage, and the remaining warranty period. If your product is still under warranty, you will also see contact information for AllStyle customer service.

What are the ratings of AllStyle Coil according to customer reviews?

AllStyle Coil has an average rating of 2.4 out of 5 stars. It is important to note that online customer reviews can be biased, as customers are more likely to leave a review if they have had a negative experience. 

Pros as per positive reviews

  • Efficient and durable products.
  • Backed by AllStyle’s warranty.
  • Competitive prices.

Cons observed as per negative reviews

  • Mixed reputation among consumers
  • Some customers have reported product defects
  • Poor customer service
  • Long shipping times


In conclusion, AllStyle Coil is a viable option for homeowners and businesses looking for affordable HVAC coils. However, potential customers should be aware of the company’s diverse reputation and take into account the possibility of product defects and poor customer service before making a purchase, you can be sure that you are getting the best possible value for your money.

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ContactForSupport is an online phone directory that covers a wide array of categories including HVAC. We offer efficient resources and their contact information with our 24/7 support. You can call us anytime, any day to get your concerns resolved.

How can you tell how old an AllStyle coil is?

AllStyle Coil age can be determined  from the serial number on the data plate, disclosing its production or manufacture date.

How do I read my AllStyle serial number?

You can interpret your AllStyle serial number, consisting of nine characters: one numerical digit, one letter, and seven numerical digits. Identify the manufacturing year from the 4th – 5th digits.

What is an AllStyle model number?

An AllStyle model number, typically nine characters, combines letters and numbers. The first character is a number, followed by a letter (indicating the year), and the rest identify the product uniquely.

How do I contact AllStyle Coil?

You can contact AllStyle Coil at (713) 466-6333.

What is the address of AllStyle Coil?

AllStyle Coil is located at P.O. Box 40696, Houston, TX 77240, providing a central address for communication and inquiries.

What is the email address for AllStyle Coil’s warranty department?

Contact the warranty department of AllStye Coil,

What are the customer service hours for AllStyle Coil?

AllStyle Coil operates Monday to Friday from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

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