Portable Technology Gadgets for Education

Biometric readers, glasses, smart jewelery, and clock-sized computers will revolutionize classrooms in the near future.

Portable Technology Gadgets for Education

Gadgets For Education

The next big change in technology will come hand in hand with portable devices. And as it will revolutionize people’s daily lives, it will also bring benefits to students. Wearable technology refers to clothing or accessories that incorporate electronic or technological elements.

The most notorious example is the Google Glass, a development of the information giant in the form of glasses that allow the visualization of augmented reality. GoPro cameras, wireless gloves to handle remote devices, biometric readers, jewelery, smart watches, and virtual reality devices are included in the same classification. NoFluffTech provide still more information about all these latest gadgets for your education.

In 2013, about 13 million of these devices were ordered online and that number is expected to increase to 170 million in 2018.

This technology can increase children’s ability to be more creative and innovative. Bill Gates says in a study published on the website of Microsoft that “new technologies can offer unparalleled opportunities to improve the educational environment for the benefit of students, teachers and administrative staff of schools. Students and teachers can participate in virtual classes that cross borders exploit the resources of any institution that has internet. “

The hundreds of educational institutions in the United States in their implementation have discovered through experience that there are infinite possibilities of learning through them.

These are some devices that in the future will revolutionize the classrooms.

Smart Jewelry

They are small pins, rings or necklaces that can save the lives of students in many risky situations. For example, in a chemistry class in which students manipulate materials that produce potentially toxic gases, jewelery can emit warning signals when levels of toxicity exceed.

Biometric Readers

In a physical education class, teachers could monitor the performance of each of their students and know how much to demand. These monitors send real-time data on heart rate, blood pressure, calories burned, and so on. Thus, each student can receive training appropriate to their needs and in a more secure way.

Google Glasses

Google Glasses have multiple uses. For example, students would spend less time trying to locate themselves on the campuses of their universities. They would receive alerts of where the classes are, where the cafeteria is, the library, the photocopiers or administrative offices. In addition, if they use them during the classes, they will be able to receive alerts about complementary material of the lesson.

In the same way, students of physics, chemistry or medicine will be able to observe closely the procedures, where previously they could only attend in the distance. There are also advantages for teachers: in field trips, they will know exactly where their students are, and they can also provide information about what they are seeing.

Wireless gloves

The most advanced in the market is called Keyglove, and are used for video games, design, music composition, data manipulation and control of other devices. They are equipped with sensors that could allow students to intervene on the board of their classes from their positions. Together with simulators and virtual reality, they will be key for students of Design, Medicine, and Engineering.

Brain sensors

Every teacher has ever asked himself if his students understood what he has explained? In the future, I could know exactly: companies like Muse have developed sensors that connect with the brain activity of students and transmit in real time to a smartphone to a tablet what activities they understand and what they do not.

Published December 20, 2018
Category: Uncategorized
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