Nextdoor Phone Number

  • Open 24*7
  • San Francisco, California,
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Brian jeffries
Brian jeffries
5 years ago

The system will not recognise our address…
The Rowans…

stephen bernard
stephen bernard
6 years ago

I was a member a year or so ago after receiving an invitation. It has been a very long time since I have been on, now I am not able to get on. Address is: 2909 New Garden Rd E, Greensboro, NC 27455. Thanks for your help.

Hoyt, Michael J
Hoyt, Michael J
6 years ago

Hi Nextdoor,
My wife (Laura Arroyo, now Laura Hoyt) and I are having a terrible time getting the address verification done. We used the service in San Carlos, CA 94070. We sold that home and moved down to the address below. I have changed my billing address with financial institutions, but it reflects the PO Box for billing. I tried doing the phone verification with our landline and cell phone. It says that the phone verification isn’t available for these numbers. None of my credit card verifications work because the billing address shows as the PO Box, as mentioned above. The postcard won’t work, because we could only receive that via the PO Box. Unless you can send the postcard via UPS or Fedex. They do deliver to our physical address.

Physical address (no USPS service here):
17826 La Amapola
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

Mailing/Billing address:
P.O. Box 987
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

Home phone: 858-367-8429

I’m at a loss and you don’t have a phone number to call to trouble shoot this. My wife is really excited to keep using Nextdoor here, but we cannot get it to work. Any ideas? I can’t imagine that we are the first people trying to sign up with a PO Box. We can provide SDGE Bills, Cable bills, etc.

Michael Hoyt
Sr. Mortgage Loan Originator
U.S. Bank Home Mortgage
NMLS ID: 653785

Cell: 415-517-0900

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